10h - 18h m-v, 11h - 16h sam  514.667.6800     320, ave Victoria, Montreal, Qc, H3Z 2MB 

Where is Clinique Modica located?

We are conveniently located at 320 Victoria Ave, Westmount, QC, H3Z 2M8



Clinique Modica on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Alignable, Google

 What are the office hours?

Tuesday to Friday


Appointments are required

Where can I park?

Why do I need a consultation?

Can I have my service on the same day as my consultation?

How many sessions will I need?

Can my skin condition be treated with a laser?

Does the laser hurt?  Will I need anaesthesia?

How many treatments will I need?

How long does the procedure usually take?

How long does it take me to recover following my laser procedure?

What services other than laser are available at Clinique Modica?

How can I make an appointment?

How much to the treatments cost?

What are Clinique Modica Policies?