Anti-aging and fibroblast-friendly.
If you’re interested in anti-aging treatments, here’s what you need to know about fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the cells that are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. With age they get sluggish and need a little nudge. A lot of what we offer at Clinique Modica gives Fibroblasts the boost they’re missing.

Every wrinkle has a story.
You know what you’ve experienced in life, and it shows your metal, your perseverance. So you love your wrinkles – you just don’t want them to be too deep or prominent. We can deal with that. Two words regarding wrinkles: RETINOL WORKS. Retinol started as an acne treatment in 1971. Acne patients showed less sun damage, brown spots, and wrinkles. Retinol is an exfoliant. It’s key to anti-aging because it keeps wrinkles soft and elegant. I recommend my clients start using Retinol in their 20s.

Personalized Facials
One size does not fit all.
Our treatments are customized, and my facials are personalized because every complexion is different. Each of my patients can expect their own plan and I personally follow my clients with treatments, therapy, advice, and care. I recommend photo rejuvenation with a customized facial is truly the ideal treatment plan.

Botox & Fillers
Look well rested not injected.
Between the brows, the frown lines, the forehead (brow furrowing), lips, and crow’s feet. These are the most popular areas for Botox. Fillers like Juvederm and Restalyne can help everywhere: lips, cheekbones, temples that get sunken with age, and the chin. I’ve seen the horror stories and firmly believe that when you’re injected, no one should know you’re injected. You should look well-rested.

Photo Rejuvenation
Goodbye fine lines, redness,
and sun damage.
We also refer to this as facial rejuvenation. It’s a treatment that uses IPL. IPL is Intense Pulse Light which is polychromatic so you can harness specific wavelengths for specific treatments. It can be started anywhere in your late 20s, all the way to your 100s. This treatment addresses sun damage and fine lines. It stimulates collagen and uses fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin to relax your lines, plump skin, treats redness and pores. We have clients coming in for all sorts of reasons. A series of 3-6 is usually needed depending on severity of what we’re addressing. And then we recommend maintenance of 1-2 treatments a year.

Give yourself the gift of a youthful glow.
This is a very relaxing treatment that enhances the skin’s natural glow. It’s a mechanical exfoliation, versus a chemical exfoliation. My clients come in for a treatment and walk out on a cloud.

Reveal newer, undamadged skin.
Facial dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves gently scraping the face with a scalpel to exfoliate by removing the epidermis—your top layer of skin—and small hairs, or peach fuzz. We use a medical-grade scalpel to scrape across the surface of the skin. Dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of acne scars or other skin imperfections by revealing newer, undamaged skin. Although it doesn’t entirely stop the aging process, it can make skin look younger. Some people also love dermaplaning for facial hair removal.

Chemical Peels
An excellent exfoliation experience.
This a popular treatment for a wonderfully refreshing exfoliation. We take off the old skin and to show the beautiful new baby skin underneath. Peels are an effective anti-aging treatment. A series of them can be used to treat sun damage and actinic keratosis, a pre-cancerous skin condition. We recommend that our clients be careful once they’ve had a chemical peel because strict and obsessive sun protection is required. Although it treats sun damage it can also increase the propensity of it. 1 chemical peel = 4 microdermabrasion treatments. Microdermabrasion is more relaxing, but a chemical peel offers more bang for your buck. However, we don’t recommend it if you’re planning on spending time in the sun.

Laser Hair Removal
Why use a razor when you can use a laser?
We use a safe, med-aesthetic system for excellent and lasting hair reduction and removal. SharpLight is a machine that does the trick with minimum discomfort and requires a relatively small number of treatment sessions. It uses advanced technology based on pulsed light, or photo epilation, for precise and permanent results. It’s a popular choice for both men and women from adolescence onwards.
Specific aesthetic concerns
We deal with the wrinkles, the brown spots, the skin tags, and the whiskers. But we also treat more specific, stubborn, unwanted, and serious skin conditions like spider veins, sebaceous hyperplasia, seborrheic keratosis (Morgan Freeman – we wish he would come and see us) milia, and cherry angiomas. Because everyone needs to be comfortable showing off their skin.

Acne is a passion of ours. Because I myself have acne. But I treat it. Adult acne is recalcitrant. It’s very difficult to treat. Teenage acne is traumatic. It puts a lot of psychological stress on the individual. We tell parents “bring your children in, we can help”. We must be aggressive with the treatment of the acne because we want to prevent the ice pick scars. Hyperpigmented scars are easier to manage. The depressed scars are more difficult, and expensive. So, it’s good to get on top of things very early.

Rosacea is a vascular dermatological condition. Paler skinned individuals are more prone and susceptible, but anyone can suffer from it – both men and women. It is not curable. It’s progressive. But it is treatable. IPL has shown to be very effective. We recommend a primary series of treatments, then maintenance (because it’s progressive, not curable, so has to be continued). IPL is Intense Pulse Light which is polychromatic so we can harness specific wavelengths for specific treatments, versus Laser which is monochromatic with just a single wavelength.

Sun Damadge
Sun worshippers are welcome! We have to start taking care of our skin before we think we need to. Most of our clients in their 30s and 40s have been wearing sunscreen religiously but the damage has already been done in adolescence. Protecting your skin from the sun should start in the teenage years. At 18-27 we speak to our clients about protection from the sun, which is single-handedly the most effective method of anti-aging. UV exposure is damaging to the skin. Our #1 rule is: Sunscreen whenever you leave the house.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia
Sebaceous hyperplasia is harmless in most cases. However, if the bumps are unsightly or embarrassing, a person may choose to have them removed. We can offer various methods of removal, and multiple sessions are usually required.

Seborrheic Keratosis
This is a common and benign skin growth that tends to appear as one ages. It is harmless, but not pleasant to look at or live with. We can help diagnose your seborrheic keratosis and remove it, or them, if you’d like.

Spider Veins
Spider veins form when the capillaries in the skin on your face become dilated. This happens with poor blood circulation and aging, or sun-damaged skin. Broken blood vessels on the face can develop at any age, but some people may have a higher chance of developing them than others. People with Rosacea often develop spider veins on the face.

Milia develops when fatty oils (sebum) get trapped below the skin’s surface and create a little hard white ball. Milia forms under a thin layer of skin and not in a pore. That means there is no opening in the skin to squeeze the plug out. We recommend you don’t try to pop or extract milia yourself as it can cause infection, skin damage, and even permanent scarring.

Stretch Marks
These are difficult to manage, but we do. It requires input on your part. We recommend a prescription for Retinol cream that needs to be applied regularly. Then we do radio frequency, infrared, and microdermabrasion. If you’re planning on getting pregnant, we recommend Babor cream for the belly during pregnancy. If you’ve had your baby and want to wear a bikini again, then once you’ve finished breast feeding, we recommend you come in and we start your protocol.

It’s not just for older people. Unfortunately, some people just have a genetic predisposition. It’s distressing and difficult to manage. We have nothing to deal with it definitively and permanently. However, we can get ladies ready for a wedding or a runway with treatments that put the cellulite to sleep and sweep it under the carpet. There is now technology available to deal with cellulite but unfortunately, we do not have that. We will always refer our clients if they wish to have this treatment done. We’re able to work with, and recommend, other experts.

Why all the skin tags? And why do they just seem to pop up all of a sudden? Well, skin tags happen, and some of us are just more genetically predisposed. The good news is they’re very easy and quick to address.

Cherry angiomas are noncancerous red bumps that form due to the clustering of blood vessels on the skin. Cherry angiomas are a sign of age, certain medical conditions, chemical exposure, climate factors, and pregnancy. They are easily removed with thermolysis.